Travel within HR/ADMIN

HR/ADMIN is provided with authority to apply and approve travel request for any employee within the company. following steps must be taken by Admin/HR so as to apply.

Applying for travel advance

    • TRAVEL
      • APPLY

Travel apply from HR/ADMIN

Following are the steps that should be taken:

1.Choose the employee whose travel advance is being requested.

2.fill out from date,to date,destination,purpose,transport type,Advance amount and substitute employee fields on submit.

Approval of travel advance/expense

After the travel advance request is approved by supervisors and substitite employee,employee himself/herself applies for travel expense request.Both the request of travel advance and travel expense can be approved by HR/ADMIN as supervisor representative.

    • TRAVEL
      • STATUS

Travel approval from HR/ADMIN


List of travel request to approve

steps that should be taken(for HR) are:

1.Set either employee,branch,department,designation,position filter or all of them as per requirement and click on search.

2.look for travel status(either pending or approved or cancelled) of all the travel request listed below. and find out the travel request you want to take action on. on view|search| button to either approve or reject the request. on either approve or reject button.In case of rejection reason must be given behind the rejection.