Subordinate Request Status

The status reporting portal lets a manager quickly see request status regarding employees under their management. A manager can quickly go through the requests for attendance, leave, travel, training, overtime, work on holiday, loan etc. relating to their subordinates.

These reports are similar to what we see in the approval panel, but the approval panel only lists the requests for which there is a decision pending. Once the approval/rejection is done, it doesnt appear in the Approval Panel. They are now moved to the status reports. One can see the request details and historical data in the status reports.


Various status reports on the manager service menu.

Most of the status reports come with a filter bar, that lets the managers quickly filter employees combining filters for company, branch, department, service status, request status(pending/recommended/approved/rejected), types specific to the requests, date ranges, etc.


Filtering options presented in a status report.

Attendance Request Status

The attendance request status menu offers quick viewing of the past attendance requests made by their subordinates.


A attendance status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.

Leave Status

The leave request status menu offers quick viewing of the past leave requests made by their subordinates.


A leave status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.

Loan Status

The loan request status menu offers quick viewing of the past loan requests made by their subordinates.


A loan status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.

Travel Status

The travel request status menu offers quick viewing of the past travel requests made by their subordinates.


A travel status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.

Day off Work Status

The work on day off request status menu offers quick viewing of the past work on day off requests made by their subordinates.


A work on day off status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.

Holiday Work Status

Work on Holiday(WOH) request status menu offers quick viewing of the past WOH requests made by their subordinates.


Work on holiday status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.

Training Status

The training request status menu offers quick viewing of the past training requests made by their subordinates.


Training status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.

Overtime Status

The overtime request status menu offers quick viewing of the past training requests made by their subordinates.


Overtime status report for managers.

Clicking on the icon opens the confirmation panel, with details about the request. You can also approve a yet unapproved request from this confirmation window.