Request Approval

The request approval panel for managers provides an easy way to manage approval process for the managers. The approval requests can range from leave, loan, travel - expense, training overtime, etc.


Various approval tasks for a Manager

Request Notification

Whenever a subordinate makes a request that requires manager approval, a notification is sent to their managers right away. When the manager clicks on the notification, it opens the confirmation dialog for quickly recommending/approving/rejecting the request.


A leave notification sent to the manager.

Also, on approval/reject of the request, a notification is also sent to the requestor so that they can quickly get notified about their request.

Alongside notifications in HRIS, it’s also possible to trigger emails on such request-approval processes. For doing so, the software requires one time set up of the email template. For more details, refer to :ref: Email Setup docs.

Leave Appproval

The leave approval portal lets a manager quickly view and approve the leave requests and their status.


Various approval tasks for a Manager

In the approval panel, you are presented with all the requests made by your subordinates. For recommenders, they have an option to recommend/reject the leave requests while the approvers have the ability to approve the requests.

For approving/rejecting a request, click on the icon on right side of a request.


Approving/Rejecting a leave request

From this dialog, you can either approve or reject the request. In case where you want to write a note regarding your decision,

Attendance Approval

In cases where an employee misses an attendance punch/web-punch, they have to request it manually. Once they have made a request, a notification is sent and an entry in the attendance approval panel for the manager is created. A manager needs to approve the attendance request so that the attendance is marked in the database is Present.

For viewing the attendance requests, navigate to Attendance to Approve menu under the Manager Service menu.


Attendance Approval Menu for Managers.


Attendance Requests for Managers.

For viewing the details of a attendance request, click on the icon on right side of a request.


Approving an attendance request.

Loan Approval

For viewing the Loan requests, navigate to Loan to Approve menu under the Manager Service menu.


Attendance Requests for Managers.

For viewing the details of a loan request, click on the icon on right side of the request.


Approving an loan request.

Travel/Expense Approval

There are two types of travel requests, a travel request and an expense request. Both appear under the same menu for approval, with a parameter called “Request for” determining whether the request is for travel or expense. An expense request can only be added once a travel request is made.

For viewing the travel/expense requests, navigate to Travel to Approve menu under the Manager Service menu.


Travel requests for Managers.

For viewing the details of a travel/expense request, click on the icon on right side of the request.


Approving an travel request.


Approving an expense request.

Work on Day Off

For approving the work on day off requests, navigate to the Work on Day Off to Approve menu under Manager Service.


Viewing Work on Day off Requests.

For viewing the details of a work on day off request, click on the icon on right side of the request. Or you can click on the notification to directly see the details of the request.


Approving work on day off request.

Work On Holiday

For approving the work on holiday requests, You can navigate to Work on Holiday to Approve menu under Manager Service Menu.


Viewing work on holiday Requests.

For viewing the details of a work on holiday request, click on the icon on right side of the request. Or you can click on the notification to directly see the details of the request.


Approving work on holiday request.

Training Approval

For approving the training requests, You can navigate toTraining to Approve menu under Manager Service Menu.


Viewing Training Requests.

For viewing the details of a training request, click on the icon on right side of the request. Or you can click on the notification to directly see the details of the request.


Approving a training request.

Overtime Approval

For approving the work on holiday requests, You can navigate to Overtime to Approve menu under Manager Service Menu.


Viewing Overtime Requests.

For viewing the details of a overtime request, click on the icon on right side of the request. Or you can click on the notification to directly see the details of the request.


Approving a overtime request.

Bulk Approval

When there are lots of requests that need to be approved in bulk, you can use bulk approval/reject by marking the requests with a checkbox. Just click on checkbox present in the left most tick box of the relevant requests and click on approve/reject button displayed below the report.


Approving a overtime request.