1. Late check-in/early check-out is permitted as per policy for 2 days in a month, however, if this happens for more than prescribed time, employee will be treated as absent and he/she will have to manage this through normal leave processes if available. 2. Late check-in and early check-out on same day to be treated as absent 3. Employees get two days with grace time attendance. confusion what period of time is to defined as late check-in? what period of time is to be defined as grace check-in? start_time : 10am late_in : 15 min grace_start_time : 12 pm after 10:15 am is defined as late check-in but to what time the late check-in counts like after 12 pm the grace_start_time starts. what if the employee comes at 1pm, how to treat this? the same scenario goes to the early check out .